Monday, April 28, 2008

A Woman Was Imprisoned for 24 Years...

I think this is such a sad story.....

I wonder why no one suspected anything happened to her? I cannot even imagine what this poor woman went through with her children. It's just so sad and tragic.


Oh Hola I'm Ja:) said...

Isn't this story just unbelievable!!?? I look at the father and think how sick he must be...I can't stand the sight of him, but he must be so sick. There couldn't anything sicker, could there? And then I wonder how anyone could do anything like this. I just cannot imagine. That poor woman and her children. I ran across your blog about a month ago, and I really enjoy it. Thanks for posting this story, too.


Oh Hola I'm Ja:) said...

I forgot to add...I have Narcolepsy, and your articles about the topic were interesting!